Happy New Year!!!
I know... I know, it's not January 1st yet!! It really just feels fitting to be thinking that way this week! Monday marked the first day of teacher work week. I find myself thinking..."Where did Summer go?" and " Can I have a redo?? I wasn't quite ready for it the first time!"
Ever since I signed up for this blog hop from Droppin Knowledge, I was wracking my brain to figure out what I wanted to write about. This is my FIRST blog hop and I wanted to write useful information. I wanted to share something to get other teachers excited about the impending school year. It hit me yesterday during our division convocation. It was something that our superintendent challenged us to do.
Create a New Year's Resolution. At first I thought he was crazy... we are still a few months out from the new year! But then it hit me... We are the only occupation that gets to celebrate two new years in one year! WE are the only occupation that has a chance at a fresh start twice a year. Why NOT make a resolution!!
I've decided that my new SCHOOL year resolution will be to really stay on top of data. I know as a Special Education teacher it is especially important to collect data, but sometimes I just get so caught up in teaching and remediation with my students. I really want to keep great data so I can provide awesome services to my kiddos!!
Now I have THREE challenges for you!
1. Hop on over to Droppin Knowledge and check out all the other awesome bloggers that signed up for this great blog hop
2. Sign up for all the great giveaways that are associated with this blog hop! Why not get a ton of awesome resources to start off your new year with right?!
3. Create your own New School Year Resolution and stick to it!
Here is the great giveaway that I am a party of!