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Monday, June 1, 2015

Why I Started Blogging

Welcome back to week two of Monica at I Heart Grade 3 Weekly Summer Link Up!

I am so excited to be back for another week and talk about this weeks topic which is....

Why I Started Blogging 
When I was in my senior year of college working on student teaching, I was constantly looking through Pinterest for ideas to use in my placements. I didn't want to use the boring worksheets that the reading and math books supplied, or read the boring texts in the science book. I wanted hands on experiences for the students that I was teaching. (I also might have wanted to impress my host teacher.) Anyhow, Pinterest always led me to these beautiful blogs of teachers that were doing amazing things in their classrooms. It also led me to the world of TpT which has now become a slight addiction for me. 

Fast forward to my first year of teaching. I realized that these teachers not only had amazing blogs that were bursting at the seams with great ideas to use in the classroom, they also had an amazing community. I realized that these teachers actually supported each other from miles and miles away. I found that these teachers actually formed friendships with each other and would openly share their ideas and thoughts with one another. I was just at that point realizing how much support a teacher really needs. It led me to want to get involved in this community. I would have to say that the ability to collaborate and communicate with others that completely understand what a person goes through within their four walls of a classroom on a daily basis is what has led me to be a blogger!

Now that you've heard my reasons for starting a blog, go on over and read all about why other great bloggers began their journeys!